Check out our online calendar to see what is coming up!
Communion for the sick/homebound: If you are aware of a homebound parishioner who is in need of a regular visit to receive the Eucharist, please alert our parish center at 410-592-7071 with their name, phone number, and address if available, so we may try to match them with an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. Thanks in advance for helping us better serve our parish family.
It's back!! Our Pre-K 3 will return for the 23/24 school year! Our Pre-K 3 will be a half-day program with two options; M,W,F (3 days) or T,TH (2 days)! Spots will be LIMITED, so make sure to save the date for when applications for the 23/24 school year open on August 1st, 2022! Inquire or apply at!