Coordinator: Sr. Angela DeFontes 410-592-8666 [email protected]
RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Who is this process for???
RCIA is the process through which the participants learn about the Catholic faith and deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic community as they journey toward full initiation into the life of the Church.
Becoming Catholic
“Faith…takes the form of a journey, a path to be followed, which begins with an encounter with the living God.”
-- Pope Francis, Lumen Fidei (46)
Is God inviting you into deeper relationship?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a journey toward full communion in the Roman Catholic Church. It is designed for adults who are either…
RCIA is not only about learning what the Catholic Church believes and teaches, but also how Catholics live and celebrate faith in daily life. In short, RCIA is about sharing the faith with people who are seeking God.
Do you think the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults might be for you or someone you know?
If so, contact Sr. Angela [email protected] or 443-955-1198.